vendredi 31 mai 2013

3D Street Art

 Always inspired by the street...
... Seems like a lot of great artists ( famous or not) are too.

Have a look on those pieces:

dimanche 26 mai 2013

For my Lovely Mum

Bonne Fete ma Poule !!!!!!!

Je t'aime. Et pense toujours a toi malgre les milliers de kilometres qui nous separent !


Still looking for my future tattoo.
I started this artwork this afternoon.
Dunno yet if it's the good one... to be continued...

Outfit Diary

Reminiscence of my Moroccan life. 

Main parts of this outfit: vintage necklaces and macrame gilet, purchased in the souk of Marrakech,  more than 15 years ago.

White stone ring

Vintage moroccan necklaces

Vintage Macrame gilet, hand made

Love this wonderful work

JOY & PEACE pump

Used Boy Friend 

On the roof of my building ...

The roof of my building is one of my favorite place lately.

Who I am ?

Bienvenue dans mon monde, aussi connu sous le nom de  "Nowhere""! "Nulle part", car je suis de partout ! France, Maroc, Chine, Etats-Unis ... Le monde est grand, je suis toute petite. Mais j'aime. Je les aime. Je l'aime. Je suis passionnee. Passionnee par le beau, le monde, l'etrange... tout et rien ...
Je suis fashion designer . J'aime la mode, bien entendu, la photo, la musique, le cinema, le DIY .... enfin, vous verrez bien au fil des posts qui je suis et ce que j'aime.

Hi guys! Welcome to my world, AKA "nowhere"! "Nowhere," because I am from everywhere! France, Morocco, China, United States ... The world is big, I am so little . But I love. I love them. I love him.
I'm passionate. Passionate by the beautiful, the world, weird things ... everything and nothing ... I am a fashion designer. I love fashion, of course, photography, music, cinema, DIY .... Anyway, you'll see throughout the posts who I am and what I like.